Life with grace and faith…

A year in the life of a Christian preschool teacher in a Muslim school

A Miserable day October 23, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — meganrsmith @ 4:12 pm

Today was supposed to be good. Today had promise. Today was a huge disapointment.

When I first got to school, the PK4 teacher started talking to me about report cards, asking if I’d done them yet. “Done them?” I said, “I didn’t know they existed!” I proceeded to go up to the office and ask for one and became almost immediately overwhelmed with all the places I needed to evaluate all of my kids on. It would have been so much nicer if I had just known they existed… like 2 months ago.

Then, the principal came down to tell us that there was a flood and that the bathrooms we use were closed. That meant we had to go all the way through the rest of the school to use the 3 stalls in the bathrooms up there.

Then, we found out that the cafeteria was also flooded and we’d be ordering pizza and eating in the classroom but that the pizza wouldn’t arrive until 30 minutes after our lunch was supposed to start.

Then, I had a kid slap another across the face. I took him out in the hallway to yell at him.  A parent saw me and complained that I was being “too harsh” with a 3-year-old.

Then, they decided to close the school so we had parents all over the place in mass confusion, all wanting to talk to me about how their kid was doing and why the school was closing and whether their kid ate their lunch that day.

I had one little girl left. I went to the office to see if they had called mom… and got a resounding yes. The mom came about an hour later. She hadn’t gotten a call.

Meanwhile, I have one of the most massive headaches I can recall and I’m not getting all the information until 5 minutes after things are happening.

It was miserable. One of several terrible days in this hellish week.

The only redeeming qualities about today were getting off work 30 minutes early, the fact that it’s Friday and I don’t have to go back for another 2 days, and the couple parents that made it a point to come up to me and tell me how much their children love me. One mom even told me a story about how her son (in my class) and her daughter (in kindergarten) had a conversation about who had the best teacher and in the end both agreed that Khala Megan was the best.

I needed that today.


One Response to “A Miserable day”

  1. Kelly Moline Says:

    Oh Megan! I had one of those weeks too. Co-Worker throws me under the bus right in front of my boss. Crazy freakin’ busy. But then a resident will tell me that they had a blast Salsa Dancing and that I am doing a good job. And that I think is better than anything.

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