Life with grace and faith…

A year in the life of a Christian preschool teacher in a Muslim school

This is me. August 24, 2009

My name is Megan Smith and I am a preschool teacher at an Islamic school. I am, however, the furthest thing from being Muslim… or a preschool teacher. I know next to nothing about either one! I do know that my God is a God who saves and that this will be one of the most challenging journeys of my life.  It only made sense to blog it.


2 Responses to “This is me.”

  1. maureenmaddock Says:

    My dear, sweet, beautiful, Christ giving Megan….. you are such an inspiration! Oh my gosh am I ever proud of you. These “babies” are so blessed to have you for their “Auntie,” ….I forgot the Arabic name. I can’t imagine the fear and anxiety associated with this teaching position, yet you accepted and have persevered like a champion,( even though you may not feel like one at this time.)

    My dear, young beauty,, you are so smart and talented. God is indeed using you in the best possible way. You are a role model for Christianity. Instead of being prejudiced against the Islamic faith, you are researching and sharing the truth. You are breaking down the walls of fear for all who are reading your blog, We do need to know what lovely people your co workers are and how kind and support they have been to you.
    And, look what you are giving them in return…your total committed faith in Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Wow! You are so blessed to be called to do God’s work in this environment!!! You gave yielded to HIS WILL and believe me, o faithful one, God will bless you with an amazing job in the future. When that happens, you will look back on this opportunity and thank Him everyday! Trust me on that one. I have lots of experience with yielding to God’s will.

    My lovely, what impresses me the most about you at this very moment, is your devoted faith at such a young age. I attribute that to your parents, your upbringing in the Lutheran church, and your spritual guidance from all the sermons and mission work at St. John’s. You are a rare commodity in a satan driven world. Most young adults do not have what you have. Because of your faith and desire to please, Jesus, you will go so far in life and everyone who gets to know you will blessed. Stay true to HIM always and your life will be so richer because of it. Always remember to ask in “His Will” and trust that whatever is the outcome of your request, it will be far better than what “your will” would have yielded.

    As an educator and a mommy of past preschoolers, you are on the right track for the curriculum. They just need to learn the basics of the language along with the Arts, for which you are so creative. Help them to enjoy all that God has created in nature…animals, plants, blue skies, sunny skies, dark skies, weather…you know the drill. Trust your instincts that the Holy Spirit sends to you…..and yes….the internet is your best friend. Just “google” preschool lesson plans and everything you ever needed to know or not know will be available to you.

    God Bless you my child of grace! You are amazing!!!!!

    Love you,

    • meganrsmith Says:

      Thank you so much for all of your encouragement! I am so blessed by the people in my life that are acting as my prayer warriors! You are such an encourager… what a spiritual gift you have!

      Keep reading… there will be LOTS more where this came from!


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