Life with grace and faith…

A year in the life of a Christian preschool teacher in a Muslim school

Little Barometers October 8, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — meganrsmith @ 5:13 pm

Today was nasty.

The weather was gross. The kids were a mess. I was late… my power went out yesterday and while I was very careful to set my alarm time to the a.m., I wasn’t as careful to set the real time to the p.m. So this morning my alarm didn’t go off because it was set to the p.m. time and the alarm was set to the a.m. time. Ugh.

The kids were a disaster today. None of them listened, none of them followed directions, none of them did what they were supposed to do. Meanwhile, I’ve got the pk4 assistant telling me how behind I am in the Arabic lessons and how many coloring sheets I have to give my kids today. They were colored out.

So I took them to the gym to run around.

None of the p.e. equipment was anywhere to be found so I let them run.

My bad.

Several kids fell, but one fell and hit her head and her tooth (somehow… I have no idea) and was screaming and bleeding (from her mouth) so I had to run and get her ice from the other side of the mosque… Grrrrr.

Then I cut my finger with a scissors. Pretty bad. Blood and all.

Somehow I made it to the end of the day and while making a copy of the incident report I was stopped by the assistant principal who told me another parent was concerned about their kid not being challenged enough. Apparently he has gone from speaking in complete sentences to speaking like a baby. (It’s what happens when you’re in class with a bunch of other kids and a bunch of kids who are just learning English.) So I was asked to double plan and somehow make 2 groups, one of kids who need extra work and one of kids who don’t. She was very nice… she said I didn’t HAVE to, it was just something to think about.

In other words, I have to.

I will, but it’ll probably be a while.

I was hoping they’d give me more to do.

I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow. I did, but apparently G is for Guitar didn’t fly in the “Islamically correct” school rules and they “don’t encourage stringed instruments in their school.”


I told the construction workers I would trade them jobs today.

They thought I was kidding.

I wasn’t.


One Response to “Little Barometers”

  1. Barometers Says:

    The barometer will indicate the nearness of a low pressure front which is indicative of the arrival of possible stormy weather.

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